Community Code of Conduct
Welcome to the Space Engineers community!
We want to ensure that the Space Engineers community is a safe space for everyone. To promote a positive atmosphere and keep this community constructive we ask that you adhere to the rules provided in this Code of Conduct at all times, when participating in any part of our community.
Before you start posting, chatting, or building, we would like to ask you to take a moment and read the below rules. If any of these rules are violated, Moderation Staff will take the appropriate actions.
If you witness any violation of our Community Code of Conduct please report it to a member of Moderation Staff, through the appropriate channels, or by emailing Support@Keenswh.com.
Got a warning, kick, ban, or mute? Discuss this with a moderator in private through DM and not in public channels. You may alternately contact Support@keenswh.com if you would like to discuss a moderator or moderator action.
- Do not spam and do not intentionally annoy other users.
- This community includes members of all ages. Please act appropriately and keep your language age appropriate.
- We do not tolerate hate speech (sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.) harassment, stalking, or threats . This includes linked or uploaded material.
- Do not attempt to use our communities to advertise other sites, products, or social media.
- Do not flame, troll, or bait others (attempting to make someone angry or to get a reaction).
- Do not argue with the staff.
- You may not impersonate any Keen Software House employee or staff.
- Respect other user’s opinions. Don’t criticize or deride what other members believe about the game.
- Do not use, post, distribute or link to obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, graphically or gratuitously violent, derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive, hateful or discriminatory language or content. This includes “masking” language by using alternative characters/spelling /spacing to get around profanity filters.
- Do not directly contact Keen Software House employees in community areas. Please contact a member of Moderation Staff first.
- Do not use community areas to discuss political or religious topics. This includes political or religious figures.
- You may not encourage, post in support of, link to, or discuss activities, methods, and/or techniques involving piracy. Each time you share, copy, distribute or otherwise make available a pirated material you directly hurt the creator and company these items originate from. Piracy is illegal. Any form of Piracy will result in an immediate ban.
- Be helpful to new users, when a new user asks a question then please respond back in a helpful, informative manner.
- Posting personal details about another user including but not limited to name, telephone number, address, date of birth, etc. is not permitted.
Bug Reporting https://support.keenswh.com
Bug Reports
- If you experience any technical difficulties please leave a bug report!
- Please describe your issue thoroughly. If possible, provide reliable reproduction steps. We also encourage you to attach log files for technical support issues.
Feedback and Constructive Criticism
- When providing feedback try to be as constructive as possible by providing reasons why you like or don’t like something in the game and what, you feel, could be done to improve it.
Don’t forget to VOTE!
- Make use of the search feature and first determine if the bug or topic you had in mind already exists!
- Please feel free to leave a comment and provide additional information on existing topics. If you find that someone else has reported a bug, provided similar feedback, or suggested a similar idea then please, don’t forget to add your vote!
- If you can’t find a topic, start a new one!
Steam Workshop and Mod.io submission
We are very proud of our modding community. Creators, builders, scripters, and every modder in between, invests a great deal of time and energy into their creations. We ask that you respect that work.
Do not copy an author’s work without permission, on Steam, mod.io, or anywhere else.
It is their work, and they can ask for it to be removed. Please either, contact a member of the Moderation Staff, email support Support@keenswh.com, or utilize the “report” feature of the Workshop or Mod.io if you encounter a mod that is a violation of our Code of Conduct.