Creator Spotlight: Alicedoesthings


Welcome to our Creator spotlight!

Continuing our series of Space Engineers Creator Spotlights with Alicedoesthings.

Hei hei! My name is Alice, and ever since I bought Space Engineers back in August of 2018, I have found myself amazed by this game time and time again. I still go back sometimes and look at some of the blueprints and creations I made in the very beginning of my journey with this game, just to see how far not just the game has come, but how far I have come alongside it.

I have always been a fan of Sci-fi and have possessed a fascination with outer space, which caused deep admiration for movies like Star Wars and Planet 51 as a kid, and later TV-shows like The Expanse. So when I came across videos on Youtube, which showed off a game where you could create your own space-ships, I knew I had to try it. At this point, I have nearly 4000 hours sunk into the game, with many blueprints created, plenty of collisions, and fond memories made along the way. But those aren’t the only things this game has given me the ability to create.

With how complex the game can be, and people always looking for the latest scoop about the next major update, Space Engineers has also allowed me to build a community of my own. This game has given me the opportunity to both entertain, help, and connect people from all across the globe. An opportunity that I had abandoned a few years ago, only to pick back up again thanks to this game.

So throughout my journey so far, there is one thing I have learned: “You will always stumble and fall, but that’s how you learn.

The BEST Power Block in Space Engineers – Tier list & Comparison

Which power block is truly the best in Space Engineers?

Is it the small reactor? The solar panel? The hydrogen engine? Which consumes more fuel, has the highest output, or is cheaper to build? In this video you will get your questions answered about all of the different power blocks in SE, for large grid.

How to download PLUGINS for Space Engineers!

Plugins is one of the best ways to customize Space Engineers. With so much variety and the ability to be used on any server, makes it great for all SE players alike.

This tutorial will show you how to download the Space Engineers plugin loader, and how to get plugins.

Showing off my BLUEPRINTS!

I am back after a brief hiatus and family vacation, and what better way to start back up again than with celebrating another huge milestone!

How to make a custom SKYBOX!

When you look into the sky, you see the clouds and what lies beyond. What if you could make the sky in your world, anything that you want?

Well today, you are going to see exactly how to make your own skybox in Space Engineers

Visiting Prague to celebrate Space Engineers 10th Anniversary

With Space Engineers turning 10 years old on the 9th of September 2023, Keen Software House decided to arrange an event in Prague to celebrate this milestone… And I was going to be there!

It was an amazing trip and I had a great time, and hopefully you get to experience some of it in this video.

You can find more of the amazing creations by AliceDoesThings here and his youtube channel here.

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With every custom build, mod design, line of script, planet, or skybox you create, you feed our “Need to Create”. 

Thank you for your continued support, collaboration, and inspiration.
