Creator Spotlight: Noisy JET


Welcome to our Creator spotlight!

Continuing our series of Space Engineers Creator Spotlights with Noisy JET.

“I don’t remember exactly when I started my journey in Space Engineers, but I can say that there were already planets in the game, and the list of DLC could fit in one line.

Space Engineers reminded me of LEGO-constructor, which I spent a lot of time with as a kid. As I got to know other players and got to know the game, it became clear to me that you can make your own games or events within it. In this respect, Space Engineers is very flexible and variable game. After gaining experience in event development, I gradually started creating drafts and publishing them on Steam as well. My workshop is divided into 2 collections: Survival Technology for blueprints that were created for the harsh conditions of survival mode, and Creative Technology for recreation, where I let my ideas run wild.

Survival blueprints have a special difficulty in the process of creation because it is necessary to combine two things that do not fit together: functionality and design. I constantly had to look for favorable design techniques and make compromises in order to present functional solutions beautifully.

One of my workshop goals is to create a series of blueprints for the entire survival journey: from my first mini-drill, to a huge production monster and dreadnought. Overall, if I fell short, I came pretty close to my goal.

2024 ARMATech Workshop Trailer

Almost the whole fleet in one short video. 

[ARM] Imperion SHH-MS

Impeion is a heavy dreadnought, the main task of which is to sow panic and a sense of helplessness in the ranks of the enemy. 

The ship has a double hull: the inner hull is armored, the outer hull is lightweight. Speed and maneuverability do not have outstanding indicators as it became a victim of increased protection.

[ARM] Titan-2S

The Titan is a multifunctional production carrier ship with automatic process control for welding and construction component manufacturing. Capable of traveling in any environment.

It is endowed with traditional capabilities of a mobile base: ore processing, automatic production of components, comfortable construction of ships, automatic sorting of items in storage, the ability to increase the number of production units.

[ARM] Crusader RVH-AM-1

Crusader is a wheeled tank project designed for extreme operating conditions, especially in the field of transportation. Clearance adjustment allows you to change the driving characteristics and adjust to terrain conditions.

Able to drive at maximum speed over rough terrain and perform controlled drops without parachutes.

S-Engineer’s Tournament MAXIMUS

Trailer of the final fifth stage of the tournament MAXIMUS in which you will have to apply all the skills of combat spacecraft!

You can find more of the amazing creations by Noisy JET here and his youtube channel here.

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